127th Adwa Victory celebration kicks off in various places of Addis Ababa

127th Adwa Victory celebration kicks off in various places of Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, March 2, 2023 (FBC) – The celebration of the 127th Adwa Victory has kicked off in the vicinity of Emperor Menelik Suare at the central part of Addis Ababa.

President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Sahle-Work Zewde and President of the Ancient Ethiopian Patriots Association, Lij Daniel Jote Mesfin have attended the celebration at Meskel Square.

President Sahle-Work has placed flower wreathes in front of the Statue of Emperor Menelik in commemoration of the grand victory day.

Thousands of residents of Addis Ababa, patriots, public representatives and invited guests are participating in the historic event which is taking place at Emperor Menelik Square, Meskel Square and Adwa Bride in the capital.

The major commemorative event has been held at Meskel Square in participation of patriots, government officials, members of the diplomatic community, members of the National Defense Forces and Police and thousands of residents.

The victory is the outcome of a battle Ethiopians fought against the invading Italian Colonial Army on March 2, 1896. On the battle of Adwa, Ethiopians under the leadership of Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taitu scored a historic victory against the Italian colonial forces inspiring Africans and other peoples of the world who were under the yoke of colonialism to fight for their freedom and independence.

The major ceremony is underway at Meskel Square where the Federal Ministry of Defense will be carrying out a big military parade.

Members of the diplomatic communities including Ambassador of various countries and military attaches from the embassies based in Addis Ababa are also in attendance of the ceremony at Meskel Square.

Ethiopians across the nation have started celebrating the Adwa Victory with various events.





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