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Amb. Sleshi commends Diaspora contributions to GERD

Addis Ababa, April 2, 2024 (FBC) – The Ambassador of Ethiopia to the United States of America, Sleshi Bekele, expressed deep gratitude to the diaspora members who have dedicated their financial resources, expertise, and time to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project, underscoring their unwavering contributions since the project’s inception.

The Ethiopian Embassy in Washington DC commemorated the 13th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of GERD under the theme ‘United, we did it’. Religious figures, scholars, representatives of diverse organizations, and diaspora participants who supported the GERD project were present both physically and virtually at the event.

In his address at the event, Ambassador Sleshi emphasized that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam represents a unique endeavor being collectively constructed by every citizen through the coordination of their resources, expertise, and time. He highlighted that GERD stands as a monumental project poised to enhance the nation’s economy and establish the essential energy infrastructure required to foster growth, prosperity, and national wealth for its people.

Following this, he expressed his gratitude to the diaspora members who have generously contributed their financial resources, expertise, and time to the project from its inception. The ambassador conveyed his optimism that this engagement will persist until the completion of the dam.

Subsequently, a fundraiser campaign for the construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was conducted during the event.

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