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A Cuban Water Resources Institute delegation begins visit to Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, July 2, 2024 (FBC) – A Cuban delegation, headed by Javier Toledo Tapanes, Vice President of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH), arrived yesterday in Ethiopia.

The Foreign Ministry of Cuba stated that the delegation was received by Asfaw Dingamo, State Minister of the Ministry of Water and Energy of Ethiopia; Abera Endeshaw, advisor to the Minister, and Natalys Dinza, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the State Mission.

The visit of the INRH is in response to the one previously made by the Ethiopian State Minister last year to Havana, which resulted in cooperation projects in water matters.

During their stay, the Caribbean representatives will tour water infrastructure projects in different regions of the country.

On July 18, Cuba and Ethiopia will celebrate the 49th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations based on friendship and cooperation.

Cuba is part of Ethiopian history after its troops fount alongside the Ethiopian army in defending sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation from aggression of Siad Barre.

Likewise, Cuban health cooperators have been providing services in Ethiopia since 1978, when the first group of 300 professionals in different medical specialties arrived in the country.


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