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Ethiopia immunizes 14.2M children for Measles in 3 weeks

Addis Ababa, July 25, 2020 (FBC) – Ethiopia has immunized 14.2 Million Children for Measles over the past three weeks, Ministry Health disclosed.

The achievement has been recorded despite COVID 19 pandemic pressures and unrest in some parts of the country, it is indicated.

“Health workers across the country are the unsung heroes of our time,” Dr. Meseret Zelalem, Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Director at the Ministry tweeted regarding the success.

Ethiopia has reached 14,344,285 Children through the vaccination achieving 96 percent of the plan targeting 15 Million, Dr. Meseret stated.

Out of the total immunized children, 89, 386 are accessed in several refugee camps across the nation.

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