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Civic forum urges US, EU to encourage Egypt to desist from destructive actions

Addis Ababa, June 24, 2020 (FBC) -Ethiopians for Positive Change (EPC) has urged the US, EU and its member states, and other international players to encourage Egypt to desist from destructive actions and go back to the negotiating table to find amicable solutions to GERD dispute.

In a statement issued recently, EPC advised the US Administration, EU and key international and regional players to remain objective and impartial in helping to find acceptable and fair outcomes for all parties-Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

It also called on them to consider how to incentivise the negotiation, including, financial rewards or compensation where a potential delay or changes in timelines, such as filling the reservoir, might lead to material costs and loss of opportunities.

Moreover, EPC urged them to encourage and assist direct talks between the three nations, and if a need arises, empower and involve Africa and African institutions to facilitate negotiations.

In the statement, EPC said “The call for military action as an option, would destabilise the Horn of Africa, and the whole of the Middle East region.”

“Ethiopia has been working relentlessly, with the two countries both at technical and political levels, to address any concerns and find a fair and equitable outcome for all, it added.

However, the main hindrance to a negotiated solution comes from Egypt who wants to maintain its historical hegemony over the Nile water, it stated.

Egypt should stop banking on the Anglo-Egyptian colonial treaty of 1929, and 1959, to which neither Ethiopia nor other riparian nations had been a part to, it said.

Ethiopians for Positive Change (EPC) is a civic forum of individuals (academics, professionals, and experts) of Ethiopian origin.

It campaign to promote dialogue as the main means of dealing with social, political issues and to create a mutually inclusive approach to resolve misunderstanding.

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