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Ethiopia always prioritizes diplomatic engagement to settle differences with Somalia – FM

Addis Ababa, August 30, 2024 (FBC) – In a media briefing held today on current national and regional affairs, Foreign Minister of Ethiopia Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie emphasized that Ethiopia is always open to settle any difference with the government of Somalia through diplomatic engagement.

He recalled that both countries had a series of consultations in Nairobi and Ankara to address any difference and reiterated that his government’s doors are always open to continue this diplomatic engagement.

During the briefing, FM Taye also highlighted the centuries-old ties between Ethiopia and Somalia, stating that Ethiopia will focus on strengthening the existing relations and expanding economic and cultural ties by addressing differences through diplomatic engagements.

When disputes arise, his government always prioritizes working through diplomatic means to address differences, as this approach allows for a more peaceful and sustainable resolution.

He underscored that Ethiopia’s relations with its neighbors are more than just government-to-government relations and people-to-people ties, but are deeply rooted in history and shared interests.

Moreover, FM Taye urged Somalia to stop its efforts to accommodate other parties that want to incite hostility in the region, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Somalia.

Ethiopia has made significant sacrifices to bring relative peace and stability in Somalia since the end of 2005, with many thousands of Ethiopian defense forces losing their lives in the process, he reminded. FM Taye urged officials from Mogadishu to refrain from belittling these sacrifices and spreading destructive rhetoric.

Meanwhile, FM Taye reiterated that the Ethiopian government remains committed to continuing the fight against terrorism.

Commenting on the current state of affairs in neighboring Sudan, Foreign Minister Taye reaffirmed support for the Sudanese people in their efforts to restore peace and stability through a Sudanese-led peace process. Ambassador Taye stressed that lasting peace in Sudan can only be ensured through the active participation of the Sudanese people themselves and a Sudanese-led peace process.

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