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Those who have sacrificed for their country earn deep respect – PM Abiy

Addis Ababa, August 10, 2024 (FBC) – Those who have sacrificed for their country earn deep respect, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said today during his meeting with senior government officials.

“Ethiopia’s history is deeply rooted in the strength of its military, which has always been more than just a force—it is an institution driven by a higher purpose,” PM Abiy noted.

The Ethiopian military embodies sacrifice and commitment that go beyond the confines of individual villages, aiming instead at the broader mission of protecting and preserving the nationthe premier asserted.

The challenges encountered by the National Defense Army at various levels have provided opportunities for growth and transformation. These difficulties have enabled the army to rebuild itself with enhanced standards and improved capabilities. It now possesses the potential to serve the nation with even greater dedication, commitment, and love.

Today’s forum was organized to foster a shared understanding between the National Defense Army and the highest levels of government leadership. This forum focused on the journey of the National Defense Army through the ongoing change movement.

The discussions were productive, successfully aligning the military’s mission with the government’s vision for the country’s future.

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