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Ethiopia reiterates its steadfastness in fighting terrorism, proliferation of illegal trafficking of small arms

Addis Ababa, July 26, 2024 (FBC) – The Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia stated that it is closely following the repeated provocative statements by the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

In a statement issued today, the Office of the Spokesperson said: “Contrary to the baseless accusations of the government of Somalia, Ethiopia has rather been sacrificing in the service of peace and stability of the brotherly people of Somalia for more than three decades. Ethiopia is, thus, dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the Federal Government of Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia.”

“Bearing in mind its strong conviction for regional interdependence, cultural ties and historical relationships cemented with blood and sweat, Ethiopia did not choose to respond to the baseless accusations of the authorities in Somalia. Ethiopia, rather, preferred the path of patience and positive engagement for the common good of our peoples,” the statement says.

It should be underlined that, Ethiopia is deeply concerned about the proliferation of trafficking of small arms and light weapons in the Horn of Africa. As the region is challenged by ongoing conflicts, unchecked coastal lines, as well as unsecured borders, it is imperative for countries of the region to coordinate their efforts in fighting such crimes.

Ethiopia would like to reiterate its steadfastness in fighting terrorism and proliferation of illegal trafficking of small arms, light weapons and Improvised Explosive Devices.

Ethiopia will continue to stand on the side of the brotherly people of Somalia to fulfill their aspiration for sustainable peace, stability, economic development and regional cooperation.


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