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Ethiopia strongly believes in Sudanese-led peace process to end conflict – State Minister

Addis Ababa, June 6, 2024 (FBC) – State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arga received and conferred with Ambassador Elzein Ibrahim Hussein, the Ambassador designate of the Republic of the Sudan in Ethiopia.

The State Minister and the Ambassador-desegnate exchanged views on the current situation in the Sudan.

On the occasion, Ambassador Mesganu Arga expressed Ethiopia’s strong belief in Sudanese people-led and owned peace process to end the ongoing conflict in the Sudan.

He further stated Ethiopia’s commitment to the peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflict in Sudan, recalling Ethiopia’s and personally Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed`s  efforts to bring peace and stability to the sisterly nation of Sudan.

The two sides also discussed about the necessity of enhancing efforts to assist Sudanese brothers and sisters displaced by the conflict.

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