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ENDF will remain staunch defender of national, regional peace: PM Abiy Ahmed

Addis Ababa, October 26, 2023 (FBC) – In his remarks at the 116th National Defense Day, Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Army of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed (PhD) underscored that the Ethiopian army will continue to be a staunch force in the efforts to maintain national, regional and world peace.

The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has always deterred several foreign aggressions and maintained the unity and sovereignty of nation, the Prime Minister noted, reiterating army’s readiness to ensure peace, stability and defend nation’s interests towards development and prosperity.

The commemoration of the 116th National Defense Day helps the army to trace back its history which is full of gallantry and victory, the Prime Minister pointed out.

“Maintaining peace remains the top priority for the Ethiopian Defense Forces”, the Premier said. The Premier stressed: “Ethiopia has no any intention to seek incursion into any country; rather it will continue as a major peace force nationally, regionally and globally.”

“History proves and will continue to prove that Ethiopia will never give in to foreign aggressions. Ethiopia has helped African countries in their struggle against colonial powers, and Ethiopian soldiers paid sacrifices during several global peacekeeping missions to maintain world peace,” the Prime Minister pointed out.

“The army is a peace and development force that is supporting farmers in agricultural works, and assisting the community in building schools and health centers. This shows how the army continues to be a symbol of unity and peace,”

The reform activities the ENDF has so far implemented have helped to realize a well-structured non-partisan military equipped with modern arms and technologies. The army is well equipped in the infantry, air-force and cyber spheres which the premier said crucial to effectively deter any threat.

Prime Minister congratulated the top military officers for realizing such a well-structured and well-equipped modern army.

“History proves that Ethiopia has never been defeated by any external force and has never invaded any country, and the army has never taken part in any unprovoked combat. Because safeguarding peace remains our top priority,” he said.

The Premier reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to follow the path to a win-win approach based on mutual benefits of nations.

The army has thrived amid all the challenging circumstances, and will continue utilizing each situation to build up Ethiopia, the Premier undercored.

The National Army will continue to be a pride of Ethiopia and the greater East Africa at large by maintaining its commitment to safeguard peace and stability across the region, the Prime Minister remarked.

Saying that the time is full of uncertainty, the Prime Minister called on members of the army to pursue knowledge, become innovating and keep standby for any mission in line with the changing circumstances.

“Ethiopia is a great nation. We are working to pass on a peaceful and prosperous nation to the generations to come,” the Prime Minister noted, calling all Ethiopians to stand in union to this end.

Chief of the General Staff of the Army, Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Army, General Abebaw Tadesse, Speaker of the House of Peoples Representatives, Tagesse Chaffo and former president of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mulatu Teshome, army chiefs of various African countries along with several dignitaries and military officers have attended the National Army Day event which has taken place at Meskel Square.

By Wondesen Aregahegn

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