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AGRA Ethiopia Country Strategy officially launched

Addis Ababa, July 6, 2023 (FBC) – Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has officially launched today Ethiopia Country Strategy, ushering in a new era of transforming food systems.

With a vision for sustainable agricultural and empowering smallholder farmers, this strategic roadmap will drive transformative change, boost food security, and unlock Ethiopia’s agricultural potential, it is noted.

In his remarks at the launching event, former Ethiopian Prime Minister and Chairperson of AGRA Hailemariam Dessalegn said: “Ethiopia has demonstrated to the rest of Africa that under the right leadership of government, we can reach at desired ambitions to meet the urgent food requirements of our population despite facing challenging global circumstances.”

AGRA’s work has catalyzed food transformation in agriculture sector, in the most populous countries in the continent, i.e Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Kenya amongst others, he noted. “Our work has helped to double crop yields of widely consumed food crops. By aligning with the countries’ priorities, building effective partnerships with the governments, supporting national agricultural transformation agendas, and leveraging on investments from development partners.”

“Our new strategy will continue to build on the past work done in AGRA in Ethiopia to drive for scale and sustainability. It is designed to empower and uplift the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, fostering innovation, resilience, and inclusivity. Our overarching vision is to contribute to a food system-inspired inclusive agricultural transformation across Africa, leading to a reduction in hunger, improved nutrition, and adaptation to climate change,” the AGRA chair added.

Hailemariam called for concerted efforts towards a future where agriculture flourishes, hunger diminishes, and the aspirations of smallholder farmers are realised.

“We’re delighted to be AGRA partner in Africa. We’ve aligned in many areas, such as farming modernisation, seed systems and inclusive market. We will continue supporting AGRA in Ethiopia to transform food security in Africa,” said Abebe Abebayehu Chekol, Deputy Director, Program Advocacy and Communications at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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