Fana: At a Speed of Life!

Residents recount mass killings, gang-rape and looting by terrorist TPLF in Gobye town

Addis Ababa, December 21, 2021 (FBC) – Residents of Gobye town told FBC that the terrorist TPLF committed mass killings, tortured civilians and looted public and private properties while it invading the town.

Residents said soldiers of the terrorist group indiscriminately murdered civilians in public, gang raped women and girls, and intentionally destroyed social service institutions including health care services there by put catastrophic social situation.

Maternal and child care and other critical health services were fully disrupted due to the plunder carried out by the terrorist group on health institutions, and many patients and vulnerable people died because of lack of necessary treatments, the residents said.

Mothers and children also died due to blockade of maternal and child care services by the terrorist group in the town and surroundings, eye witnesses told the local media.

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