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Ethiopia to raise power supply to fourfold with 10-year roadmap

Addis Ababa, January 10, 2020 (FBC) –The Government of Ethiopia has designed a 10-year roadmap that could help raise the country’s power supply by almost fourfold.

Although Ethiopia has the potential to generate 40,000-50,000MW energy from hydropower, its current total installed capacity stands at 4,400 MW.

According to Dr Firehiwot Woldehanna, State Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, the roadmap targets increasing the country’s installed capacity to nearly 20,00MW.

The roadmap aspires generating 14,000 megawatts from hydropower, 1,700MW from solar, 900 from geothermal and about 2,000WM from wind energy, he told FBC.

It also aims to increase total power transmission lines to 34,000 km from 20,000km now and the number of power substations from 202 to 256, he added.

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