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Addis Ababa Deputy Mayor holds discussion with Boundaries Commission members

Addis Ababa, December 18, 2019 (FBC) –Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa city, Engineer Takele Uma received today members of the Administrative Boundaries and Identity Issues Commission.

They exchanged views on works undertaken by the commission and issues expected to be done by the city administration as well as explored areas of collaboration.

Dr Tasew Gebre, Chairperson of the commission told FBC after the meeting that the city administration confirmed its readiness to collaborate with the commission.

The Commission has the following powers and duties:

• Provide alternative recommendations to the House of the Federation and the Prime Minister by studying any problems and conflict that are related to the administrative boundaries demarcation and issues of identity

• Provide recommendations to the House of the Federation on amendments actions that has to be taken to promote and consolidate unity of peoples based on equality and their mutual consent

• Provide recommendations, for the continued determination and alteration of administrative boundary decisions, to the House of the Federation, to the House of People’s Representatives and to the Prime minister, in order to expand appropriate constitutional principles, transparency and efficient system or amendment of laws

• Present recommendations to the House of the Federation for consideration, where by investigating administrative boundaries controversies which are directed to it from the House of the Federation, the House of Peoples’ Representatives and the Prime Minister

• Facilitate ways in which conflicts arise over administrative boundaries have been resolved, the renewal and strengthen of good relations between neighboring regions

• Provide recommendations to the House of the Federation, the House of People’s Representatives and the Prime Minister on the measures that has to be taken to make administrative boundaries is not further cause of conflicts

• Initiate the policy framework of administrative boundaries to make the administrative boundaries and their area of well-being for development and commerce

• Collect public opinion on issues of administrative boundaries

• Collect opinion and inputs for the study from regional and federal officials, political parties, and other stakeholders

• Prepare strategy and detailed plan that show the process of gathering public input and feedback, which ensures that the process includes all sections of the community.

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