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South Africa opens borders to African countries

Addis Ababa, October 1, 2020 (FBC) – South Africa has opened its borders to travellers from all African countries, but has retained restrictions against countries with higher coronavirus infection rates including the UK, the US and Russia.

The country closed its borders in March to limit the spread of the virus.

It will from Thursday reopen some land borders and its three main airports in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

All arriving travellers must produce a COVID19 testing certificate from their countries and will be screened on arrival.

Travellers from countries whose infection and death rate are higher than South Africa will not be allowed into the country for leisure.

Travellers who exhibit coronavirus symptoms or test positive will incur all the medical expenses.

South Africa has been the worse hit country by the pandemic in Africa. It has so far confirmed 674,000 cases, about half the number reported in Africa.

Source: BBC

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