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Addis Ababa city begins second round door-to-door screening

Addis Ababa, May 13, 2020 (FBC) –As part of the efforts to halt the spread of COVID-19, the Addis Ababa city administration has launched the second door-to-door surveillance and screening campaign.

Dereje Duguma, State Minister of Health, said the campaign would help prevent the spread of the virus through raising awareness of the community about the virus and facilitating exchange of information.

Deputy Head of Addis Ababa Health Bureau, Dr Mulugeta Endale, said the second round campaign would enable to attain the required results by filling the gaps observed in the first round.

According to him, about 1.3 million people were screed in the first door-to-door surveillance and screening campaign, of which 971 suspected cases were identified.

Of the suspected cases, only one person was diagnosed for the virus, he said.

Ethiopia has so far reported 261 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with 106 recovers and five deaths. As of yesterday, the country conducted 39, 048 laboratory tests.

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